When you contact My Valuer, we make sure you are provided with a Registered Valuer that best fits your property type. 

My Valuer provides the best quality service for a fair cost.  

Commercial and industrial fees are set according to the size and nature of the valuation and are best discussed with the Valuer involved. 

Prior to commencement of the valuation, we ensure the party responsible for paying the fee is given a fee quote, and provided with our standard terms of engagement.  

A Terms of Engagement letter is sent out immediately upon instruction. This summarises the fee, valuation brief and scope of services.   

The basis of value reflects the most probable price that would be achieved in a hypothetical exchange in a free and open market, and results in the Market Value of the property. 

Market Value is defined as: 

“…the estimated amount for which an asset should exchange on the date of valuation between a willing buyer and willing seller in an arm’s length transaction after proper marketing wherein the parties had each acted knowledgeably, prudently and without compulsion”.  

This is the internationally accepted definition of Market Value and forms the basis of our Market Value assessment. 

We organise a suitable time to inspect the property, and physically measure all improvements.  This normally takes around half an hour to forty minutes for residential property, or longer for lifestyle/rural and commercial. 

We then look at all sales considered comparable to the property.  These are researched and the nature of the property and transaction are clearly understood by the Valuer. 

We then write a comprehensive report on the property, detailing the land and physical improvements, as well as legal details, zoning, and sales. 

My Valuer will contact you prior to releasing the report to confirm the valuation, and discuss our assessment with you. 

We will tell you prior to accepting the instruction whether your timeframe can be met.  

When instructing us, it is important you convey the purpose of the valuation, especially if it is subject to the sale and purchase of a property.    

Rating Valuatons are carried out on a mass appraisal freehold basis for rating purposes only. These values are updated once every three years and in many instances the properties are not inspected.  

You or any other party should not rely on these as a basis for sale, purchase or mortgage security.  To do so can result in uninformed decisions being made, and potentially a substantial loss to you.

This is an emotional time, so endeavour to make the process of obtaining a valuation as stress free as possible.  When we accept a valuation for this purpose, we require a written instruction for this purpose from your solicitor.  This can either be a single instruction acting on your behalf, or a joint instruction acting on behalf of both parties.   

This process has been tried and tested over a number of years.  This is transparent and gives parties confidence in the valuation process.  

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If you require a valuation or just need some help, please start by completing the form:

Are you Sum Insured?

Home owners are responsible to know the full replacement cost of their home, and to agree this with their insurer.
This is called ‘Sum Insured’.

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